couch potato workout

Couch Potato Workout

If your couch potato habits are hindering your weight loss and fitness efforts, then this workout is made especially for you!

I totally get it. The couch can be an inviting place, and once the TV is turned on, there’s no telling how many lazy hours await. But in a single hour of TV watching, there are typically 6 commercial breaks lasting 3 minutes each! If you use them to your advantage, you can turn that lazy hour into an opportunity for exercise.

Here’s how…

The Couch Potato Workout

My couch potato workout is geared towards beginners, but it can be used for couch potatoes at all levels of health and fitness. Either way you slice it, this workout offers an opportunity to move your body and get a little closer to your fitness goals.

For each exercise, aim for 10-15 reps or more, until you’ve exhausted your muscles.

Commercial Break #1 – Couch Push-Ups

Facing your couch, get into a push-up position with either your feet or your knees on the floor and your hand shoulder-width apart on the edge of the couch. Engage in a full set of push-ups, bending at your elbows and lowering your chest to the couch before repeating. This one works your chest and triceps.

Commercial Break #2 – Side Couch Crunches

Lie on your left side across your couch with your ankles stacked on top of one another and your knees slightly bent. Holding your right hand behind your head, engage your obliques and bring your right elbow towards your right thigh, and your rib cage towards your hip. Hold for a moment, then repeat and switch sides. This one works your lower back and obliques.

Commercial Break #3 – Couch Squats

Sitting on the edge of your couch, rest your feet on the floor at shoulder-width apart. Without using your arms or upper body, move into a standing position while engaging your legs and butt muscles. Hold your back straight as you lift your body and then lower it back to starting position, before repeating. This one works your legs, butt, and lower back.

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